Building or zone: Forum Romanum -Temple of Castor & Pollux
Position: Pediment slopes
Roof element: Raking simas
Comparanda: Pyrgi, Temple A: Pyrgi 1970, p. 117 A:3, fig. 78, pp. 183-184. Segni: Temple of Juno Moneta: Andrén 1940, p. 299, No. I:6, Pl. 121:429
Remarks: Fragment of torus from base of raking sima, with hollow center, and surface painted with scale pattern, facing left, in cream on brown ground (W scale 2.7, plus border 4.3)
Bibliography: Grønne 1990, p. 109, no. 14, fig. 7 bottom; Grønne 1992, p. 162, JJ-022 CV 87-52,4, fig. 136, pl. 39.1 center
Publication record: Fragments of architectural terracottas from the first temple of Castor and Pollux on the Forum Romanum. Author: Grønne, C.. Journal and volume number: AnalRom 19. Publication Date: 1990. Pages: 105-117 The architectural terracottas. Author: Grønne, C.. Journal and volume number: The Temple of Castor and Pollux I. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1992. Pages: 157-175
Associated elements: Cat. nos. 1-13, 15-38
Type of decoration: Torus with painted horizontal scale pattern