CAVI Lemma: Fr. of RF cup. Oltos. Last quarter sixth.
CAVI Subject: A: a maenad; the arm of a satyr(?).
CAVI Inscriptions: A: the maenad: Μελου[σα]{1}.
CAVI Footnotes: {1} or Μέλ[λ]ουσα or Με̅́λουσα(?). G. Neumann apud K.-D. translates: `die
Singende.' Mel(l)ousa is not in C. Fränkel as a maenad name. It occurs in a
Christian inscription: [Thessalia; Trikala; 1363-1372 ac] Greece [Chr].
InvThess. [[D. Feissel and J.-M. Spieser, Inventaires en vue d'un recueil des
inscriptions historiques de Byzance. I: les inscriptions de Thessalonique
(Travaux et Mémoires, 5, 1973[79]; Paris]] 24.10-11: πρὸ ὤρας τῆς [παρού]σης
αὐτοῦ ζοῆς, ἀποστερηθείη κ(αὶ) τῆς Μελούσης, but nowhere else in the TLG or PHI
disks. Pape has Μελλουσα or Μελουσα as the name of a woman in Inscr. [CIG]
3.5585. Pape also has Μηλουσα as the name of an island near Iberia, in Hecat.
apud Steph. Byz. See also New York 44.11.1, CAVI 5697.
CAVI Comments: For ou for o (spurious diphthong) see Threatte (1980), 240/4.