153, Herakles, holding club, lionskin and drawn bow, looks away from the main group of Venus, dress around her legs, one foot raised on rocks, greeting Ares, naked but for helmet, shield, spear and sword. Behind him is Athena with helmet, shield and aegis, holding a cup over a small altar before her. Behind her an owl on a column. The shields are decorated with swags and a flat boss. Ground line.
Description: Herakles, holding club, lionskin and drawn bow, looks away from the main group of Venus, dress around her legs, one foot raised on rocks, greeting Ares, naked but for helmet, shield, spear and sword. Behind him is Athena with helmet, shield and aegis, holding a cup over a small altar before her. Behind her an owl on a column. The shields are decorated with swags and a flat boss. Ground line.
Last Recorded Collection: Walters Art Museum, Baltimore: 42.1223
Previous Collections:
Story-Maskelyne, M.H.: The Marlborough Gems (1870): no. 113
Boardman, J., Scarisbrick, D., Wagner C., Zwierlein-Diehl, E: The Marlborough Gems (2009): no. 153