CAVI Lemma: BF/WG oinochoe. From Vulci. Related to Class (and Group) of London B 632
(ABV). Last quarter sixth. Ca. 520 (or not much later, ABV).
CAVI Subject: White ground with patterns in BG on the shoulder.
CAVI Inscriptions: Among the palmettes that form the lowest band: καλος Nικολα[ς]{1}. Δοροθεος
καλος. καμοι δοκει, ναι. χατερος παις καλος, Μεμνον. καμοι καλος φιλος.
CAVI Footnotes: {1} Threatte (1996), 50, thinks the omission of final sigma is accidental,
which I find hardly credible despite the parallels listed by him. Cf. also ibid.
CAVI Comments: The date given to the vase is based on the names (Beazley): the period of the
kaloi Memnon and Dorotheos. Beazley interprets the inscription as a
conversation. He starts correctly after the third palmette to right of the
handle, where there is a bird in BG silhouette. [I wonder whether it could be a
Nike.] The isle between the last two palmettes to left of the handle and the two
on either side of that handle are blank and the inscription skips to fill the
two isles to left of the one with the bird. This interrupts the last phrase:
καμοι - - καλος φιλος. The letter forms are variable in this long text, but the
writing is fairly fluent. - For χατερος see Threatte (1996), 346.
CAVI Number: 5293
AVI Bibliography: Lepsius (1833), 357ff. — Welcker (1833), 235ff. — Ussing (1844), 10. —
Welcker (1851), 507. — CIG 4 (1855–77), no. 7853. — Klein (1878), 67 n. 10. —
Wernicke (1890), 94. — Jacobsthal (1911), 456f. — Cf. *ARV[1] (1942), 934/Memnon
34. — ABV (1956), 425, 666, 670f. — ARV[2] (1963), 1600 (ref. to ABV 670). —
Kurtz (1975), pl. 57,1. — Mertens (1977), 64/7 and 66. — AttScr (1990), no. 438.
— Clark (1992), no. 1126. — B. Pfisterer-Haas, CVA Munich 12, Germany 65 (1993),
pls. 31,1-3, and 32,1-4 (inscriptions), Beilage 10,4; p. 42, sketch of
inscription (bibl.).
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)