CAVI Lemma: Frs. of omphalos phiale. From Athens. Unattributed. Date unclear.
CAVI Subject: No decoration mentioned.
CAVI Inscriptions: Ext.: large black strip with yellowish-white line. Gr. Α(θ)ενα hιε̣{1}.
CAVI Footnotes: {1} so the text of Graef–Langlotz; unclear whether the inscription is all on
one fr. No doubt: Α(θ)ενα[ιας] hιε[ρα], or Α(θ)ενα[ιας] hιε[ρα], or the like;
sc. the phiale.
CAVI Comments: Frs. a - c. Theta with vertical cross bar(?).
CAVI Number: 1474
AVI Bibliography: Graef–Langlotz (1925–33), ii, no. 1146 (not ill.).
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)