1707, Corinthe, Musée, 160
- Record Number: 1707
- Provenance: Corinthe, Agora, boutiques NO (1901)
- Last Recorded Collection: Corinthe, Musée: 160
- Date Text: Ca 250/200 ?
- Bibliography:
B. Powell AJA 7 1903 29-30 n° 4; K. K. Smith AJA 23 1919 392; Corinth VIII,1 (19..) 35; Marcadé I (1953) 69. EAA IV 752 2°.
- Artist: LYSIPPOS 02001 ?: ΛΥΣΙΠΠΟΣ
- Monument: Base mutilée.
- Commentary: Datation de Smith, trop basse selon Marcadé. Ou LYSIPPOS 01014 ?
Last updated 12/06/2016 15:54:00 by Parker, Greg. Created 02/04/2004 20:12:00 by Parker, Greg. Approved by Parker, Greg. Copyright © 2003-2025 Classical Art Research Centre, University of Oxford.
Link to this record using the address https://www.beazley.ox.ac.uk/record/ACE0100C-D552-499D-B468-75773E0A7CA0