Remarks: Full-figure antefix of woman with hydria. Holding vessel with right hand and raising veil with left. H hydria 9.6. Hollowed through hydria on back. Scar from rectangular strut on back. Well preserved color.
Bibliography: Carlucci 2006, p. 11, type 1.VIII
Publication record: Osservazioni sulle associazioni e sulla distribuzione delle antefisse di II fase appartenenti ai sistemi decorativi etrusco-laziali. Author: Carlucci, C.. Journal and volume number: Deliciae Fictiles III. Place of publication: Oxford. Publication Date: 2006. Pages: 2-21
Type of decoration: Woman with hydria
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 28.1
Width: 22.8
MPD: 9
Paint: Red drapery with white/black hem. Gold vessel.