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1433, ATHENIAN, Madison (WI), Elvehjem Museum of Art, Basel, market, Münzen und Medaillen A.G., 70.2

  • Vase Number: 1433
  • Fabric: ATHENIAN
  • Technique: RED-FIGURE
  • Sub Technique: WHITE GROUND
  • Shape Name: LEKYTHOS
  • Date: -475 to -425
  • Inscriptions: GLAUKON
    Kalos/Kale: KALOS GLAUKON
  • Attributed To: Manner of TIMOKRATES P by UNKNOWN
  • Last Recorded Collection: Madison (WI), Elvehjem Museum of Art: 70.2
  • Previous Collections:
    • Basel, market, Münzen und Medaillen A.G.
  • Publication Record: Annali del Seminario di Studi del Mondo Classico: 10 (1988) FIG.16.3
    Biers, W., The Archaeology of Greece (Cornell, 1980): 234, FIG.8.60
    Bulletin of the Elvehjem Art Center, Madison, Wisconsin: 1970-71, 44, NO.5
    Carpenter, T.H., with Mannack, T. and Mendonca, M., Beazley Addenda, 2nd edition (Oxford, 1989): 392
    Garland, R., The Greek Way of Death (London, 1985): 111, FIG.26
    Giudice E., Il tymbos, la stele e la barca di Caronte, L'Immaginario della morte sulle lekythoi funerarie a fondo bianco (Rome, 2015): 158, FIG.3 (COLOUR OF BD)
    Hyatt, S. (ed.), The Greek Vase (New York, 1981): FIG.93
    Kaltsas, N. and Shapiro, A., Worshiping Women, Ritual and Reality in Classical Athens (Athens and New York, 2008): 338, FIG.4 (COLOUR OF BD)
    Kunstwerke der Antike, Münzen und Medaillen, A.G., Basel, sale catalogue: 40 (13.12.1969), PLS.47-48, NO.111 AND PL. AT 112
    Kurtz, D., Athenian White Lekythoi (Oxford, 1975): PL.25.3 AND FRONTISPIECE (COLOUR)
    Moon, W.G. and Berge, L., (eds.), Greek Vase Painting in Midwestern Collections (Chicago, 1979): 193, NO.109
    Oakley, J., Picturing Death in Classical Athens, The Evidence of the White Lekythoi (Cambridge, 2004): COLOUR PLATE 1A (COLOUR OF BD)
    Oakley, J.H., A Guide to Scenes of Daily Life on Athenian Vases (Madison, 2020): PL.33 (COLOUR OF BD)
  • AVI Web:
  • AVI Record Number: 4875
  • CAVI Collection: Madison, University of Wisconsin, Elvehjem Museum 70.2.
  • CAVI Lemma: WG lekythos. Timokrates Painter (Cahn). Second quarter fifth. Ca. 460 (Cahn).
  • CAVI Subject: Funerary: two women with baskets of fillets and lekythoi.
  • CAVI Inscriptions: Between the women's heads: καλος. Between their lower garments: Γλαυ̣κον.
  • CAVI Comments: Ex Basel Market (M.M.). Attic alphabet.
  • CAVI Number: 4875
  • AVI Bibliography: BADB 1433 (bibl.). — M&M-Auction (1969), pls. 47-48, no. 111, and pl. at 112. — Add.[2] (1989), 395. — Reilly (1989), 442/98 (not ill.).
  • CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)

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