9017459, ATHENIAN, Camarina, Antiquarium, T916
- Vase Number: 9017459
- Fabric: ATHENIAN
- Shape Name: AMPHORA, NECK
- Date: -625 to -575
- Last Recorded Collection: Camarina, Antiquarium: T916
- AVI Web: https://www.avi.unibas.ch/DB/searchform.html?ID=3157
- AVI Record Number: 3003
- CAVI Collection: Camarina, Antiquarium T 916.
- CAVI Lemma: SOS amphora. From Camarina. Unattributed. Late seventh or early sixth.
- CAVI Subject: No figured decoration.
- CAVI Inscriptions: Gr.: Βοτος{1}.
- CAVI Footnotes: {1} Βοτ[τ]ος(?).
- CAVI Comments: = inv. 7229. Three-stroke sigma.
- CAVI Number: 3003
- AVI Bibliography: Pelagatti (1980–1), pl. 160,1. — Cordano (1984), 31 [[no ill.]]. — Manni
Piraino (1987), 95 (facs.), pl. 13,3. — AttScr (1990), 12 n. 15 [[mention]].
- CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)
- Pleiades URI: https://pleiades.stoa.org/places/462126
- Coordinates: 36.826119,14.522724
- Pleiades Coordinates: 36.8602887,14.469420375
Last updated 26/07/2024 19:30:00 by Parker, Greg. Created 12/08/2005 15:35:00 by Mannack, Thomas. Approved by Mannack, Thomas. Copyright © 2003-2025 Classical Art Research Centre, University of Oxford.
Link to this record using the address https://www.beazley.ox.ac.uk/record/A8302D36-ACC7-4EBB-85CA-F5A4250747DD