CAVI Lemma: BF neck amphora. From Cerveteri. Group of Würzburg 199 (Follmann){1}. Last
quarter sixth. 520-510 (Follmann).
CAVI Subject: A: Apollo citharoedus between Hermes and Athena. B: Heracles and the Lion,
between Iolaus and Athena.
CAVI Inscriptions: Under the foot, a glaze Dipp.: three separate lines, not parallel: 1. in
small letters: νοινι(σ){2}. 2. in larger lettes: γαβ, if Attic; or λαβ{3}. (F.
does not have an explanation.) 3. in medium-sized letters: Σιμον{4}.
CAVI Footnotes: {1} not in Beazley. {2} Follmann takes the first two letters (which touch) as
one, but cannot decipher them; the others, she suggests, are most likely: iota,
nu, iota xi or sigma. For the the first letter, F. cites Munich 1706 (cf.
Johnston (1979), 86/33A 11, Hackl (1909), pl. 2) and Munich 1384 (Johnston
(1979), 86/33A 1); hence my reading may be quite wrong. {3} Johnston prefers
gamma. {4} so also F., but she thinks the omicron (which has a squiggle added to
the circle) is an omega. She cites as a parallel the Gr. on Munich 1686, Hackl
(1909), 105, Johnston (1979), 77/19A 2 [see further]. Johnston too thinks the
inscriptions are connected. {5} Johnston says the name Simon occurs twice, but I
do not have this from CVA.
CAVI Comments: Simon(5) perhaps a trader; see Johnston (1979), p. 189. Johnston also refers
to his article in PP in which he pointed out that the first letter in γαβ is
hard to interpret as Attic (it may be an Ionic lambda); but he prefers to read
it as a gamma. This is the only letter in glaze dipinti which may not be Attic.
J. implies a date in the last quarter of the sixth century when he compares
Munich 1686 which he dates 520-515.
CAVI Number: 3887
AVI Bibliography: A.-B. Follmann, CVA Hannover 1, Germany 34 (1971), pls. 982, 11,1-2 and 14,2;
facs. of Dipp., p. 23 (bibl.). — Johnston (1972), 421 n. 12. — Johnston (1979),
77/19A 1 and p. 189 with n. 1.
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)