Publication Record: Beazley, J.D., Paralipomena (Oxford, 1971): 134 (305.21QUATER) Böhr, E., Der Schaukelmaler (Mainz, 1982): PL.199B Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: LONDON, BRITISH MUSEUM 3, III.He.6, PL.(152) 32.1A-C View Whole CVA Plates Davies, M. and Kathirithamby, I., Greek Insects (London, 1986): 67, FIG.13 (A) Distler, S.A., Bauern und Banausen, Darstellungen des Handwerks und der Landwirtschaft in der griechischen Vasenmalerei (Wiesbaden, 2022): PL.45.1 (A) Ephemeris Archaiologike: 127 (1988) 131, FIG.13C (A) Grmek, M. and Gourevitch, D., Les maladies dans l'art antique (1998): 103, FIG.67 (A) Kerenyi, K., Dionysos (London, 1976): FIGS.16, 17 (A, B) Korshak, Y., Frontal Faces in Attic Vase Painting of the Archaic Period (Chicago, 1977): 134, FIG.80 (A) Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae: SUPPLEMENTUM 1, PL.23, AIGOLIOS 1 (A) Morais, R., Centeno, R., and Freitas Ferreira, D. (eds.), Myths, Gods and Heroes. Greek Vases in Portugal – Mitos, Deuses e Heróis. Vasos Gregos em Portugal (Porto, 2022): II, 230, FIG.1 (COLOUR OF A) Oakley, J.H., A Guide to Scenes of Daily Life on Athenian Vases (Madison, 2020): 94, FIG.4.11 (A) Ransome, H.M., The Sacred Bee in ancient times and folklore (London, 1937): PL.9 AT 92-93 (A) Sakellarake, G., Idaio Antro, hiero kai manteio (Athens, 2013): 31, FIG.4 (COLOUR OF A) Verbruggen, H., Le Zeus Cretois (Paris, 1981): 236, FIG.9 (DRAWING OF A)
CAVI Footnotes: {1} Bea. Arch. gives two anonymous attributions: manner of the Painter of
Berlin 1686 and manner of the Princeton Painter.
CAVI Comments: The inscriptions are surely false. Beazley in Para. does not mention them; he
merely says that the amphora `Basel, ex Züst' [now Basel, Ant. Mus. Z-364, see
Add.[2] 80], by the Swing Painter, has the same subject as London B 177, the
subject being: B: men attacked by bees. Bea. Arch. seems to consider the
inscriptions genuine.
CAVI Number: 4249
AVI Bibliography: BADB 4330. — H.B. Walters, CVA London 3, Great Britain 4 (1927), pl. 32,1a-c.
— Para. (1971), 134/under 21 quater. — Kerényi (1976), figs. 16-17 (A, B). —
Verbruggen (1981), 236, fig. 9 (dr. of A). — Böhr (1982), pl. 100B. —
Davies–Kathirithamby (1986), 67, fig. 13 (A). — Add.[2] (1989), 80.
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)