Comparanda: For general type, cf. Tivoli: VG 42178; Tre Fontane: MNR 125612, 125613
Remarks: Female head of known type wearing diadem above triple folds of a veil, below which hair falls in thin vertical fringe over forehead. Ears frontal. Thickly lidded eyes. Top of chiton shown above flat base. H hair/fringe 1.2, H left ear 4.1, L nose 4, MPH chiton 2.6. Back broken away but other examples of this type normally have head in the round above a cover tile attached at the base of the antefix.
Bibliography: Turfa 2005, p. 243, no. 269, pl. 27, fig. 33 (identified as votive head)
Publication record: Catalogue of the Etruscan Gallery of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. Author: Turfa, J.M.. Place of publication: Philadelphia. Publication Date: 2005
Type of decoration: Female head in round
Last Recorded Collection: University Museum
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 21.2
Width: 16
MPD: 7.8
Clay: 7.5YR 6/4
Paint: Cream skin 10YR 8/3, red on veil lower edges & chiton 7.5R 4/6
Condition: Broken above forehead; missing left ear and locks of hair below