Comparanda: R64.320, R65.18, R64.346, R65.21, R65.19, R65.6, R65.7, R65.55, R65.5/20, R65.9, fragments from excavations of Temple of Divus Julius
Remarks: Fragment of neck of feline moving left
Bibliography: Downey 1995, p. 75, no. 5, fig. 13; Winter 2009a, pp. 175-178, 3.D.1.a
Publication record: Architectural terracottas from the Regia. Author: Downey, S.B.. Journal and volume number: PAAR 30. Place of publication: Ann Arbor, MI. Publication Date: 1995 Symbols of Wealth and Power: Architectural Terracotta Decoration in Etruria and Central Italy, 640-510 B.C.. Author: Winter, N.A.. Journal and volume number: MAAR Suppl. 9. Place of publication: Ann Arbor. Publication Date: 2009