CAVI Lemma: RF hydria. From Nola. Manner of Shuvalov Painter{1}. Third quarter fifth.
CAVI Subject: At left, a seated woman reading in a book roll; at right, a woman (maid) with
an alabastron.
CAVI Inscriptions: On the book roll: imitation letters: λος (σ) λ λυ{2}.
CAVI Footnotes: {1} extremely close to the small hydriai by the Shuvalov Painter; by the same
hand as London E 208 (Beazley). L.-H. attributes the vase to her Painter of
London E 208, a pupil of the Shuvalov Ptr. {2} the last two letters are very
CAVI Comments: These are not real letters. For book rolls see Immerwahr (1964), Immerwahr
(1973), and AttScr (1990), 99 n. 5 with index, s.v. book roll.
CAVI Number: 4529
AVI Bibliography: Photo. — C.H. Smith in BM Cat. E (1896), 169. — H.B. Walters, CVA London 6,
Great Britain 8 (1931), III I c, pl. 89,1. — ARV[2] (1963), 1212/4. — Immerwahr
(1964), 25/16, fig. 4. — Para. (1971), 464. — Lezzi-Hafter (1976), 90, 97, 110/S
83, pls. 132-33 (pl. 133,b shows the figure with the book roll). — Add.[2]
(1989), 347.
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)