CAVI Lemma: Fragmentary vase (Attic){1}. From Cumae. Unattributed. Second quarter
CAVI Subject: The decoration is not reported in Hesp.
CAVI Inscriptions: On the outside, Gr. in two lines: Σοσ[ίας] | καταπύγ[ο̅]ν hο γρά?[φσας
φε̅σίν.] ...[--] ......./......[---].
CAVI Footnotes: {1} `coppina,' Gabrici. {2} the tomb context is 3/4 5th, but if the Gr.
refers to the same Sosias as Agora P 5157 [[CAVI 338]], the vase must be several
decades earlier.
CAVI Comments: The reading is Beazley's, using the letters reported without explanation by
Gabrici. Agora P 5157 has (according to Lang's reading): Σοσιας καταπυγον, and
hος φ(η)σιν hο γραφσας. Attic alphabet (as given by Gabrici). Beazley's
restoration is reported by Milne and Bothmer in Hesp. 22 (1953) 218.
CAVI Number: 7840
AVI Bibliography: Gàbrici (1913), col. 459. — Milne–Bothmer (1953), 218/4. — Cf. Rotroff–Oakley
(1992), 27, n. 60.
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)