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1748, Satricum, Temple of Mater Matuta I - Campanian roof

  • Record number: 1748
  • Site: Satricum
  • Building or zone: Temple of Mater Matuta I - Campanian roof
  • Roof element: Revetment plaques, floral
  • Remarks: Revetment plaque with flat fascia across top/short, convex strigils/roll/tall, flat plaque with painted, compass-drawn, double guilloche/roll/relief floral frieze with pendent 7-leaf palmettes alternating with upright lotus below bow-volute. Bottom edge consists of flat raised fascia, over which palmette is superimposed, with leaf tips forming cutout bottom edge. On top, incised marks. Nail hole (Diam 0.6). Interstices between strigils (W 1). On strigil tops, painted double U shapes in black on cream
  • Bibliography: Della Seta 1918, p. 256; Andrén 1940, pp. cxxxvi, cciii, 459, No. I:5, Pl. 139:488; Kästner 1982b, pp. 91, 97, Type D IV 2; Niew licht 1985, no. 69; Knoop 1987, p. 241, pl. 79; Rescigno 1998a, p. 354, no. B201, pl. XXXVII.1
  • Publication record: Antefixa Satricana. Sixth-century architectural terracottas from the sanctuary of Mater Matuta at Satricum. Author: Knoop, R.R.. Place of publication: Assen. Publication Date: 1987
    Archaische Baukeramik der Westgriechen. Author: Kästner, V.. Journal and volume number: Dissertation Humboldt Univ.. Place of publication: Berlin. Publication Date: 1982
    Architectural terracottas from Etrusco-Italic Temples. Author: Andrén, A.. Place of publication: Lund/Leipzig. Publication Date: 1939-1940
    Museo di Villa Giulia. Author: Della Seta, A.. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1918
    Niew licht op een oude stad: Italiaanse en Nederlandse opgravingen in Satricum. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1985
    Tetti Campani. Età arcaica. Cuma, Pitecusa e gli altri contesti. Author: Rescigno, C.. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1998
  • Associated elements: 10143
  • Type of decoration: Painted double guilloche/relief floral frieze with bow volutes, pendent palmettes, lotuses
  • Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia
  • Mouldmade: yes
  • Height: 40.2
  • Width: 53
  • MPD: 5.8
  • Clay: Burned, sandpapery
  • Condition: Restored from many fragments, with lacunae
  • Height top fascia: 1.3
  • Depth top fascia: 5.8
  • Height strigil: 5.5
  • Width strigil: 3
  • Convex strigil: yes
  • Height central fascia: 12.1
  • Decoration central fascia: Painted double guilloche
  • Height lower roll: 1.7
  • Height main field: 17.7
  • Decoration main field: Relief floral frieze
  • Mouldmade decoration: yes
  • Painted decoration only: yes
  • Height strigil: 5.5
  • Width strigil: 3
  • Convex: yes

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