Remarks: Fragment preserves left part of roof, from curved ridge tile (W 2.9), central acroterion base, raking sima, 2 rows of flat pan tiles (visible W 5, D 8) & curved cover tiles (L. 8, W top 1.4, bottom 2.1), with scar from missing antefix at eaves, eaves tile (D 7, H taenia/drip 2.8 = revetment plaques?). End of raking sima rounded & projecting beyond corner eaves tile. Acroterion base at apex has raised edge (H from floor 2.4) with curved back corner.
Bibliography: Mura Sommella 1993, p. 232, fig. 15; Winter et al. 2009, p. 16, Table 3
Publication record: Ancora sulla decorazione plastica del tempio arcaico del Foro Boario: statue e acroteri. Author: Mura Sommella, A.. Journal and volume number: Deliciae Fictiles. Place of publication: Stockholm. Publication Date: 1993. Pages: 225-232 New light on the production of decorated roofs of the 6th c. B.C. at sites in and around Rome. Author: Winter, N.A., I. Iliopoulos, A.J. Ammerman. Journal and volume number: JRA 22. Publication Date: 2009