Comparanda: Database ID 2143 but higher relief and smaller scale.
Remarks: Oblique (315 and 135 degrees) palmettes of 9 lancelot leaves with double scrolls to 45 and 225 degrees. Tied by Herakles knot. Base scrolls/palmettes /disks. Lesbian cyma. D roll 3.7. Diam nail hole 1.2.
Type of decoration: Palmettes, double scrolls, Lesbian cyma
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 61
Width: 40
Height top fascia: 2.5
Depth top fascia: 6.5
Height strigil: 6
Width strigil: 10.7
Height main field: 49.5
Thickness plaque: 2.6
Thickness including relief: 3.3
Height palmette: 27.3
Width palmette: 29.1
Height strigil: 6
Width strigil: 10.7
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