Building or zone: Forum Romanum -Temple of Castor & Pollux
Position: Pediment slopes
Roof element: Openwork cresting
Comparanda: Veii, Portonaccio: Stefani 1953, p. 58, fig. 33b. Civita Castellana, Lo Scasato: Andrén, Pl. 54:173
Remarks: Curving flat band (W 2) forming openwork figure 8, painted white with raised edges painted red & black, with black inner sides. Finished top loop from top edge (H opening ca. 6.2). Back slipped cream
Bibliography: Grønne 1990, p. 110, no. 19, fig. 11; Grønne 1992, p. 163, JJ-027, CV 87-17.1, 87-17.2, 87-18, 87-19, 87-22, 87-30.1, fig. 140, pl. II.2
Publication record: Fragments of architectural terracottas from the first temple of Castor and Pollux on the Forum Romanum. Author: Grønne, C.. Journal and volume number: AnalRom 19. Publication Date: 1990. Pages: 105-117 The architectural terracottas. Author: Grønne, C.. Journal and volume number: The Temple of Castor and Pollux I. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1992. Pages: 157-175
Associated elements: Cat. nos. 1-18, 20-38
Type of decoration: Openwork figure-8 pattern
Last Recorded Collection: Danish Academy
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 19
Width: 16.8
MPD: 2.7
Clay: 10YR 7/3
Paint: White, red 10R 4/4, black
Condition: 6 joining fragments; broken on all edges