Remarks: Antefix plaque with small female head in diadem, surrounded by floral elements: at either side of head, lotus leaves bordered by a flat fascia ending in a volute, above head 5 thick cordoned tongues of palmette. "Krobylos" hairdo with 2 beaded strands coiled over & around ears, falling downwards toward neck & drawn upwards again to be held in place by bands alongside bottom of ears. No strut. Black paint begins 26 cm from top and covers cover tile. All proveniences are unsubstantiated in Louvre, except for recent attributions to Tuscania.
Bibliography: Villard n.d., pp. 20-23, no. 40
Publication record: Aspects de l'art des Etrusques dans les collection du Louvre. Author: Villard, F.. Place of publication: Paris. Publication Date: n.d.
Paint: Equal to S1095 except for trim on diadem (none present here), necklace and chiton top edge (here only red bands). No visible dots on lotus calyx. Design on flat volute band beside lower volutes.
Condition: Missing left palmette leaf and tip of both lotus leaves, central part of base.