Remarks: Smaller antefix with winged demon with rooster head with 2 painted teardrop shapes on plaque alongside head and legs. Small scale. W fingertips 24.8.
Bibliography: Pyrgi 1970; Pyrgi 1988-1989, pp. 195-196, B
Publication record: Pyrgi. Scavi nel santuario etrusco (1959-1967). Journal and volume number: NSc II. Supplemento al vol. XXIV. Publication Date: 1970 Pyrgi. Scavi nel santuario etrusco (1969-1971). Journal and volume number: NSc II. Suppllemento al vol. XLII-XLIII. Publication Date: 1988-1989
Type of decoration: Winged demon with rooster head
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 33.8
Width: 27.2
MPD: 6.3
Paint: Red skin and alternating feathers 7.5YR 4/4