Comparanda: Minturnae: Rescigno 1998a, p. 340, B 4101, pl. XXXII.b, fig. 198
Remarks: Antefix plaque with running Gorgon (H 30.2) in relief, winged with winged boots, wearing hat & belted tunic, inside outer flat fascia (W 2) with painted diagonal bands (black/white/red/white), ending in volutes with 3-leaf palmette at upper interstices. Bottom border with 3 fascias, each lower one recessed & taller: uppermost (H 1.2, W 27.3) with alternating squares (white/blackwhite/red), middle taller fascia (H 2.2, W 25.6) with diagonal bands (white/blackwhite/red) slanting downwards to right, and bottommost, tallest fascia (H 3.1, W 22.6) with narrower diagonal bands (white/blackwhite/red) slanting upward to right. Back painted black on clay. Square strut from top of plaque (W 3.5)
Type of decoration: Running Gorgon
Last Recorded Collection: Museo dei Conservatori
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 40
Width: 42.8
MPD: 8.6
Paint: Brown slip 10YR 6/3, over which rich white paint 10YR 8/2 for ground, skin, wings, belt, designs on skirt & hem, details on boots & their wings, spots on snakes; brown tunic top 5R 4/3; red 10R 3/4 bottom band of hat, lips & tongue, inner band of wings, skirt, shin guards, concentric circles between legs, outlines of palmettes; black top of pointed hat, hair & beard, lines on belt, details of feathers on wings, snakes, wide hem of skirt, boots & their wings, inner outlines of palmette leaves
Condition: Plaque preserved except for palmette finial at top (scar W 10.6, D 2.6)