Remarks: Raking sima decorated with tall concave tongues/roll/painted guilloche/torus with painted scale pattern. Small scale. Top fascia decorated with alternating black upper/red lower rectangles. D top strigils 5, D bottom 3.9. H roll 2.6, D 4.6, decorated with alternating diagonal bands. H recessed flat fascia with painted guilloche 4.1, D 3.9. Torus has painted scale pattern to right. Plaque thickens towards bottom. On back of plaque rectangular scar from strut which began 4.4 from top of plaque with corresponding scar on pan tile top 8 cm from back of plaque. In 2nd scar, part of nail hole. On soffit painted decoration is perpendicular to front of sima, therefore piece comes from near left corner.
Bibliography: De Lucia Brolli 1991b, p. 68, Vet. 22; Carlucci 1995, p. 85, fig. 9a, Beginning of 5th cent. B.C.
Publication record: Civita Castellana. Il Museo Archeologico dell'Agro Falisco. Author: De Lucia Brolli, M.A.. Journal and volume number: Guide territoriali dell'Etruria meridionale. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1991 Il santuario falisco di Vignale. Nuove acquisizioni. Author: Carlucci, C.. Journal and volume number: ArchCl 47. Publication Date: 1995. Pages: 69-101
Type of decoration: Tall concave tongues/diagonal bands/guilloche/scale pattern
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Archeologico di Agro Falisco
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 24.4
Width: 28.5
MPD: 17.2
Clay: 10YR 7/3, fine clay on surface 10YR 7/2
Paint: Top fascia black/red rectangles. On strigils black edges, alternating black/red central vertical band. Diagonal bands on roll black/cream/red. Alternating inner band of guilloche in red/black. On torus scale pattern to right of alternating vertical rows of black/cream/red. Red 7.5R 4/4.
Height top fascia: 1.7
Depth top fascia: 3.5
Height strigil: 12.8
Width strigil: 3.5
Concave strigil: yes
Height main field: 4.1
Decoration main field: Painted guilloche
Th. tile backer: 2.5
Soffit decoration type: Decorated with 2 black triangles, W 6.5 and inner black stripe, W 1.8. Probably beginning of zigzag.
Height strigil: 12.8
Width strigil: 3.5
Concave: yes
Height strut: 6.5
Width strut: 3.5
Thickness tile backer: 2.5
Soffit decoration type: Decorated with 2 black triangles, W 6.5 and inner black stripe, W 1.8. Probably beginning of zigzag.