Comparanda: Cf. Rescigno 1998a, pp. 59, 321, no. B2 5101, fig. 180. London BM GR 1877.8-2.16; Naples 200544; Berlin TC 7290
Remarks: Plaque with Amazon rider to left, sitting side-saddle, in relief (H figure with horse 19), surrounded by strigil shell (W 2.4). Goose (H 5, W 8.5) below horse (H horse 17.3). Projecting base with relief meander. Th plaque + relief 3.5. No cover tile: may be votive.
Bibliography: Pensabene & Sanzi Di Mino 1983, p. 73, no. 44, pl. XIV (dated 5th cent. B.C.)
Publication record: Museo Nazionale Romano, Le terrecotte II.1: Antefisse. Author: Pensabene, P. & M. Sanzi di Mino. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1983
Type of decoration: Amazon rider moving to left/goose