Remarks: Eaves tile with concentric circles on soffit. Scatozza type 2. Front fascia (taenia) decorated with checkers in red/white/orange. Top face of tile painted red-brown. Preserves front part of tile. Nail hole.
Bibliography: Rescigno 1998a, p. 199, no. 2.2, Pl. I, fig. 2
Publication record: Tetti Campani. Età arcaica. Cuma, Pitecusa e gli altri contesti. Author: Rescigno, C.. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1998
Type of decoration: Concentric circles
Last Recorded Collection: Villetta Virgiliana
Mouldmade: no
Paint: Soffit: white ground with brown lines above and below. In between, row of red concentric circles with solid inner circle.