Building or zone: Temple of Mater Matuta I - Campanian roof
Position: Eaves
Roof element: Antefixes, floral
Remarks: Antefix plaque with central pendent palmette of 7 cordoned leaves, radiating from arc & heart, below 2 volutes with raised eyes, at upper ends of flat encircling fascia (H 0.8) with volutes also at lower end of plaque. Around outer circumference, roll (H 0.8)/strigil shell frame of 17 small cordoned strigils, slightly convex and slighted curved forward at edges. Across bottom, high recessed base painted with double row of checkerboard, above narrower row of rectangles. Back flat.
Bibliography: Della Seta 1918, p. 259; Andrén 1940, pp. 466-467, No. II:4, Pl. 144:501; Knoop 1987, p. 124, no. 128, pl. 47; Satricum: una città latina 1982, p. 62; Niew licht 1985, no. 68; Rescigno 1998a, p. 352, no. C2206, pl. XXXIV.1
Publication record: Antefixa Satricana. Sixth-century architectural terracottas from the sanctuary of Mater Matuta at Satricum. Author: Knoop, R.R.. Place of publication: Assen. Publication Date: 1987 Architectural terracottas from Etrusco-Italic Temples. Author: Andrén, A.. Place of publication: Lund/Leipzig. Publication Date: 1939-1940 Museo di Villa Giulia. Author: Della Seta, A.. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1918 Niew licht op een oude stad: Italiaanse en Nederlandse opgravingen in Satricum. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1985 Satricum: Una città latina. Catalogo della mostra, Latina. Place of publication: Firenze. Publication Date: 1982 Tetti Campani. Età arcaica. Cuma, Pitecusa e gli altri contesti. Author: Rescigno, C.. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1998
Associated elements: 10217, 10219/SN 29, --/p1, --/p2, --/p3, --/SN 78 --/SN 26, A 99, A 144, A 140
Type of decoration: Pendent palmette with 7 cordoned leaves/fascia with volutes at top & bottom/roll/convex strigil shell frame/painted checkerboard
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 27
Width: 27.3
Paint: Cream 10YR 8/3; red-purple 7.5R 3/4 strigil outlines, ground behind palmette, outline edges of flat fascia & volute eye, horizontal band connecting volutes, inside cordoned edges of palmette leaves, right 2 boxes on base & vertical & horizontal stripes on other boxes; black volute eyes, palmette heart, central boxes