Last Recorded Collection: Cambridge (MA), Harvard University, Arthur M. Sackler Museum: 1960.342
Previous Collections:
Oxford (MS), Robinson Collection
Cambridge (MA), Harvard University, Arthur M. Sackler Museum: 60.342
Publication Record: Antike Welt: 19 (1988) 4, 45, FIG.3 Archailogika Analekta ex Athenon: 9 (1976), 115, FIG.4 Archaiologikon Deltion: 47-48 (1992-93) 1, PL.46 (BD) Archeo, Attualita di Passato: 136 (JUNE 1996) 94 TOP (COLOUR OF PART) Bazant, J., Les citoyens sur les vases atheniens, Rocnik 95 (1985) 2: PL.26.44 Boardman, J. (ed.), Cambridge Ancient History, Plates to Volumes 5 & 6 (Cambridge, 1995): 131, FIG.133A Brule, P., Women of Ancient Greece (Edinburgh, 2003): 166 (BD) Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies: 46 (2002) PL.11B Cameron, A. and Kuhrt, A. (eds.), Images of Women in Antiquity (London, 1983): 93, FIG.7.2 Carpenter, T.H., Langridge-Noti, E., and Stansbury-O'Donnell, M. (eds.), The Consumers' Choice. Uses of Greek Figure-Decorated Pottery (Boston, 2016): 7, FIG.6 (BD) Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BALTIMORE, ROBINSON COLLECTION 2, 31-32, PL.(286) 43.1 View Whole CVA Plates Crelier, M-C., Kinder in Athen im gesellschaftlichen Wandel des 5. Jahrhunderts v. Chr., Eine archäologische Annäherung (Remshalden, 2008): FIG.H3 (BD) Hesperia, The Journal of the American School of Classical Studies at Athens: 77.2 (2008) 317, FIG.13 Keuls, E., The Reign of the Phallus (New York, 1985): 74, FIG.58 Lee, M.M., Body, Dress and Identity in Ancient Greece (Cambridge, 2015): 122, FIG.4.23 (BD) Miller, M.C., Athens and Persia in the Fifth Century BC, A study in cultural receptivity (Cambridge, 1997): PL.66 (PART) Neils, J. and Oakley, J.H. (eds.), Coming of Age in Ancient Greece, Images of Childhood from the Classical Past (New Haven, 2003): 221, 230, NO.29 (COLOUR) Neils, J., Oakley, J.H., et al., Striving for excellence, ancient Greek childhood and the Olympic spirit (New York, 2004): 27, FIG.16 (COLOUR OF BD) Oakley, J.H., A Guide to Scenes of Daily Life on Athenian Vases (Madison, 2020): 10, FIG.1.4 (BD) Rawson, B. (ed.), A Companion to Families in the Greek and Roman Worlds (Malden, 2011): 308, FIG.18.8 (BD) Reeder, E.D. et al., Pandora, Women in Classical Greece (Baltimore, 1995): 218, NO.51 (COLOUR) Schallin, A.-L. (ed.), Perspectives on ancient Greece, Papers in celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Swedish Institute at Athens (Stockholm, 2013): 148, FIG.4 (COLOUR OF BD) Schulze, H., Ammen und Pädagogen, Sklavinnen und Sklaven in der antiken Kunst und Gesellschaft (Mainz, 1998): PL.3.2 (PART OF BD) Seifert, M., Dazugehören, Kinder in Kulten und Festen von Oikos und Phratrie. Bildanalysen zu attischen Sozialisonsstufen des 6. bis 4. Jahrhunderts v. Chr. (Stuttgart, 2011): FIG.21 (BD) Sommer, M. and Sommer, D., Care, Socialization, and Play in Ancient Attica. A Developmental Childhood Archaeological Approach (Aarhus, 2015): 46, FIG.2 (COLOUR OF PART OF BD) Sparkes, B.A., The Red and the Black (London, 1996): 138, FIG.V.14 (PART) Stark, M., Göttliche Kinder, Ikonographische Untersuchung zu den Darstellungskonzeptionen von Gott und Kind bzw. Gott und Mensch in der griechischen Kunst (Stuttgart, 2012): PL.30B (BD) Theisen, U., Parthenos, Nymphe, Gyne, Weibliche Trachtikonographie als Bedeutungsträger im 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. in Griechenland (Göttingen, 2009): 142, FIG.19 (COLOUR) Walter-Karydi, E., Die Athener und ihre Gräber (1000-300 v.Chr.) (Berlin, 2015): 329, FIG.209 (BD) Zachari, V. et al. (eds.), La cite des regards, Autour de Francois Lissarrague (Rennes, 2019): 234, FIG.4 (BD)