2113, Caere, Vigna Parrocchiale
- Record number: 2113
- Site: Caere
- Building or zone: Vigna Parrocchiale
- Roof element: Raking simas
- Remarks: 8 tall thin concave tongues with finished tips at top and oblique cut at upper left corner. Finished left edge.
- Last Recorded Collection: C.N.R. storerooms at Banditaccia necropolis
- Mouldmade: yes
- Height: 12
- Width: 17.7
- MPD: 5.3
- Clay: 5YR 6/6
- Paint: Alternating red/white/black.
- Width strigil: 2.4
- Width strigil: 2.4
Link to this record using the address https://www.beazley.ox.ac.uk/record/900EC181-3A69-4380-B3C0-0E1DBBE2BF30