Remarks: Silen head antefix with floral shell frame. Finished side edge at lower left side. Back hollowed, deeply and smoothly, behind head . Shell deeply curved. Scar from cover tile near bottom, thick, somewhat squared. Said to have been in Collection Virgi 1947-1968, then London art market 1982. Listed in "Acquisitions 1983" of Getty Museum Journal 12 (1984), p. 255.
Type of decoration: Silen head wearing wreath
Last Recorded Collection: J. Paul Getty Museum
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 33
Width: 29
MPD: 8.9
Clay: 10YR 7/2
Paint: Red skin, inner ground between flowers and roll, neck, lower squares on base, alternating lotus leaves, palmette heart 7.5R 4/6. Black outer ground around flowers and shell edge, beard, eyelids, brows, pupil, upper squares on base meander. Blue palmette arc, lotus calyx, horizontal band tying tendrils, wreath 5BG 6/1. Gold-brown moustache(?) and central beard 7.5YR 6/6. Cream rounded band ending in volutes, palmette leaves, alternating lotus leaves, base ground(?).