Last Recorded Collection: Rome, Mus. Naz. Etrusco di Villa Giulia: 79631
Publication Record: Hannestad, L., The Castellani Fragments in the Villa Giulia, Athenian black-figure, Volume 1 (Aarhus, 1989): 80, NO.102 Immerwahr, H., A Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions, Preliminary Edition (1998): 7237
CAVI Lemma: Frs. of BF band cup. Unattributed. Third quarter sixth. 550-540 (Hannestad).
CAVI Subject: A or B: combat: fr. a: upper part of a warrior with shield and Corinthian
helmet. Fr.b: at left, the lower part of a warrior lying prone, covered by his
shield; at right, leg and shield of a warrior. Fr. c: at left, a horse's hoof;
lower legs of two fighting over a warrior lying prone; a horse's hoofs.
CAVI Inscriptions: A or B: fr. a: on the warrior's left: ελε(.)[--]{1}. At right, above the
shield and a spear: [--]σ, retr.{2}. Fr. b has no inscription. Fr. c: in the
left-most corner of the sherd: πε(σ){3}. To right of the right warrior's thigh:
οι̣[--]{4}. Below the lower hoof of the right horse: ε[--].
CAVI Footnotes: {1} Hannestad reads ετε, which would be retr. {2} sigma three-stroke
reversed; my reading (doubtful). {3} sideways sigma; Hannestad reads: σε(ν) with
reversed nu. {4} of the second letter only the lower vertical remains.
CAVI Comments: Three frs. Of unusually fine quality. It is unclear to me whether this is
sense or nonsense, especially if Hannestad's reading σεν is right.
CAVI Number: 7237
AVI Bibliography: Hannestad (1989), 13/102, 80, 102 (ph.).
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)
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