Remarks: Floral raking sima with Gorgoneion protome. Scalloped at top for insertion of meniskoi. On front is floral relief with lilies and rose buds on thin wavy stems emanating from a central point to left in 2 symmetrical lines from central band. Gorgoneion is inserted on right side of raking sima. Round face, and snakes instead of hair, fangs, pendent tongue. Soffit is painted with lotus and palmettes below tongues and 3 horizontal bands. Struts in back.
Bibliography: Zamarchi Grassi 1995, p. 56-57, no. 21, Pl. IX
Publication record: Castiglion Fiorentino. Un nuovo centro etrusco. Catalogo della mostra. Author: Zamarchi Grassi, P.. Place of publication: Castiglion Fiorentino. Publication Date: 1995
Type of decoration: Floral/Gorgoneion
Last Recorded Collection: Palazzo Pretorio
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 32
Width: 86
Clay: 5YR 7/3-7/4
Paint: Traces of red paint on rose buds.
Condition: Restored from numerous fragments; missing pieces in left corner of plaque and upper part of Gorgoneion face