Remarks: Fragment of columen/mutulus plaque preserving male figure (Herakles?). Fragment of lower left part of head, neck and chest. Lionskin helmet's jaw (?) with raised top edge/ridge.
Type of decoration: Male figure (Herakles?)
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia
Mouldmade: no
Height: 14
Width: 9.4
MPD: 6.5
Paint: Neck painted dark brown-red 5YR 4/4. Black edge of lionskin helmet's jaw. Chiton has raised ridge painted dark brown 5YR 4/2, surface painted gold-brown 10YR 6/4. White vertical curving stripe down center, on top of which red dot 10R 4/4 (blood) alongside scar from missing element.