Remarks: Frieze plaque of striding female who leans forward at top. Draped in long oblique mantle running under right breast, leaving left leg exposed with heavy folds between legs. Detached from plaque. Hollow, handmade. MPL right leg 16.8.
Bibliography: Artigianato artistico 1985, pp. 140-142, nos. 162-172; Cygielman 2000, fig. 94 (joined with 9003)
Publication record: Artigianato artistico. L'Etruria settentrionale interna in età ellenistica. Author: Maggiani, A. (ed.). Place of publication: Milano. Publication Date: 1985 Vetulonia, Museo Civico Archeologico "Isidoro Falchi." Guida. Author: Cygielman, M.. Place of publication: Firenze. Publication Date: 2000