Remarks: At top, hook meander with birds/rosettes in boxes (=raking simas), between red/white bands above & white/red below (total H 14.5). Incised guidelines. 2 nail holes. Main figured frieze (H 56) with heads overlapping red band, giving total H of 57.3: 2 figures running to left, left one wearing high boots & carrying stemmed cup. Large heads in close-fitting caps. Right figure bearded. Below, horizontal black band (H 2.5) above 8 vertical bands white/red/white/black (H 44.5) Incised guidelines.
Bibliography: Roncalli 1965, p. 41, no. 40, pls. XXI.1, XXII.1, pp. 93-95
Publication record: Le lastre dipinte da Cerveteri. Author: Roncalli, F.. Place of publication: Firenze. Publication Date: 1965
Type of decoration: Two draped male figures running to left
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale
Mouldmade: no
Height: 1.175
Width: 53
MPD: 2.7
Paint: Cream ground 10YR 7/3, brown skin 5YR 5/4, red 7.5R 4/8