Comparanda: British Museum B614 from Lanuvium; Berlin TC 8420 from Caere; Civita Castellana
Remarks: Bearded Silen head surrounded by vines with grapes, leaves & rosettes; triple band on forehead. Crisp mould, thick plaque. 2 finger impressions on bottom edge of plaque. On back, scar from small round strut near top.
Bibliography: Breitenstein 1941, p. 81, No. 773, Pl. 94:2; M. Denti, "Il Marsia di Paestum" AION 13 (1991) 158, fig. 28.3
Publication record: Danish National Museum. Catalogue of terracottas: Cypriote, Greek, Etrusco-Italian and Roman. Author: Breitenstein, N.. Place of publication: Copenhagen. Publication Date: 1941
Type of decoration: Bearded Silen head in floral shell frame
Last Recorded Collection: National Museum
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 23
Width: 21.9
MPD: 7.3
Clay: 7.5YR 6/6
Paint: White slip over which painted turqoise on grape clusters, black on outer edges