Remarks: Shell antefix with head of black man with spiral curls across forehead and ribbon band shell frame. Measurements not including piece of rounded band and left ear. Th rounded band 2.5. Back of head deeply hollowed at top D 6.5. Very slightly hollowed at mouth level, below cover tile. 2nd fragment with black skin, red eyebrow, lids and pupil, with black center.
Bibliography: Pyrgi 1988-1989, p. 199, no. 23, fig. 167.1
Publication record: Pyrgi. Scavi nel santuario etrusco (1969-1971). Journal and volume number: NSc II. Suppllemento al vol. XLII-XLIII. Publication Date: 1988-1989
Associated elements: Belongs with female head 35772 & Silen head 54772
Type of decoration: Head of black man
Last Recorded Collection: Antiquarium di Pyrgi
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 18.8
Width: 14.6
MPD: 11
Clay: 10YR 6/4
Paint: Light brown hair. Black skin and diagonal band on rounded encircling band 7.5YR 6/4. Red diagonal band on rounded band 5R 4/3.