Comparanda: TC 7239 but slightly larger & less clear impression; probably from 2 different moulds from the same prototype; London BM B599
Remarks: Antefix plaque moulded in relief with running, winged figure with frontal head & upper torso, legs in profile to left, wearing winged boots & short tunic, surrounded by strigil frame overlapped by head. Hair falls in 3 long strands over front of chest. Raised right arm, lowered left arm, with wings below. Raised bottom border. Cover tile attached to bottom of flat plaque on back.
Bibliography: Koch 1912, pp. 49-50, Type B.II, P.296
Publication record: Dachterrakotten aus Campanien. Author: Koch, H.. Place of publication: Berlin. Publication Date: 1912
Type of decoration: Running winged figure (Gorgon/Harpy)
Last Recorded Collection: Antikensammlung
Mouldmade: yes
Height: 21.3
Width: 25.4
MPD: ca. 6.1
Clay: 7.5 YR 7/5 with thick, dark gray core
Paint: Cream surface 7.5YR 8/4. Red 10R 4/6 on shell frame & fillets, right wing, wings of forward right boot, traces of left wing & boot wing, hair & eyes