Remarks: Handmade female head with neck ending in ruffled drapery is mounted into the inner corner of 2 flat plaques. Architectural(?). H plaque at left 18, at right 16.2. Th plaque 1.9. Hollow, handmade. Head and neck complete with chips from nose. Plaques broken on two sides, finished obliquely at bottom. No paint or surface slip. Bought from P. Arndt. Hair parted in center and falling in long wavy locks down to shoulders. If architectural, what kind? At inner corner of stoa? Plaque surface roughly smoothed.
Bibliography: Oroszlan, 119, 16-; Szilagyi, J. Gy. Antik müveszet/ Kiáll., Szfehérvar 1975, fig. 15; Csornay 1987, fig. 27
Publication record: Ókori müv.. Author: Csornay, B.. Publication Date: 1987