Remarks: Eaves tile with painted meander on soffit. Type Ia. Front part of tile is wider where soffit is decorated (W 53.5 for front 19.5 cm). Underside recessed 2 cm behind wider front, and narrower, W 49.5.MPD 20.3. H taenia 3.3. Preliminary guidelines incised. Opening for curtain W 3.2, D 1, Dist from front 2.6. Hole with raised boss in center of tile, 27 cm from front, Diam hole 1.3, Diam boss 5, H 1.2. Raised side edges begin with oblique edge 6 cm from front.
Bibliography: Stefani 1953, pp. 47-48, fig. 23d & f; Carlucci 2007, p. 40, pl. XVIIIb
Publication record: Gli apparati decorativi tardoarcaici del tempio di Portonaccio a Veio. Author: Carlucci, C.. Journal and volume number: StEtr 71. Publication Date: 2007. Pages: 33-46 Veio. Tempio detto dell'Apollo. Esplorazione e sistemazione del santuario. Author: Stefani, E.. Journal and volume number: NSc. Publication Date: 1953. Pages: 29-112
Type of decoration: Meander
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia