Publication Record: Beck, F., Album of Greek Education (Sydney, 1975): PL.44.236 (B) Bentz, M. and Eschbach, N. (eds.), Panathenaika, Symposion zu den Panathenäischen Preisamphoren, Rauischholzhausen 25.-29.11.1998 (Mainz, 2001): 189, NO.236 (NOT ILLUSTRATED) Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: LONDON, BRITISH MUSEUM 1, IIIHe.4, PL.(30) 6.1A-B View Whole CVA Plates Dougherty, C. and Kurke, L. (eds.), Cultural Poetics in Archaic Greece Cult, Performance, Politics (Oxford, 1998): 94, FIG.18 (B) Hyperboreus: 14.2 (2008) FIG.1 AT PAGE 32 (B) Jahrbuch des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts: 47 (1931) 55, FIG.8 (B) Metropolitan Museum Journal: 42 (2007) 31, FIG.16 (B) Neils, J. et al., Goddess and Polis, The Panathenaic Festival in Ancient Athens (Princeton, 1992): 62, FIG.40 (B) PHOTOGRAPH(S) IN THE BEAZLEY ARCHIVE: 1 (B) Polacco, L. (ed.), Il teatro antico di Siracusa, pars altera (Padua, 1990): FIG.161 (B)
CAVI Subject: A: Athena to left; no columns; shield device: a star. B: Musical contest:
athlete; a bearded man and a beardless flautist on a platform; a seated trainer.
CAVI Footnotes: {1} so CVA; read as Οινανθε in the text; the BM Cat. has: ΟΙNΕ[N]ΘΕ (read as:
Οινανθε(?)) and compares London E 197 [? E 182, CAVI 4522?].
CAVI Comments: The earliest representation of an aulode. For Oinanthe, which has been read,
see C. Fränkel (1912), 51-52.
CAVI Number: 4239
AVI Bibliography: BADB 4092 (more bibl.). — Roscher (1884–1937), iii, ...., s.v. Oinanthe. —
H.B. Walters in BM Cat. B (1893), 141. — Brauchitsch (1910), 2/4. — Gardiner
(1910), 231. — A.H. Smith, CVA London 1, Great Britain 1 (1925), III H e, pl.
6,1a-b. — Beck (1975), pl. 44/236 (B). — Polacco (1990), fig. 161 (B). — Shapiro
(1992), 62, fig. 40 (B).
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)