Remarks: Small sima with concave tongues above 2 fillets (H 0.7 each, Th 1.7, D 3.5), recessed fascia with painted guilloche to left, alternately red/black central bands & eyes, above 2 base fillets (H 2.1). Soffit decorated with alternate black/red 4-leaf star on gold ground, between wavy black lines separating central field from red ground
Bibliography: Cristofani 1992a, p. 39, Type VIII, B 22, figs. 69, 71
Publication record: Caere 3.1. Lo scarico arcaico della Vigna Parrocchiale. Author: Cristofani, M.. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1992. Pages: 29-57
Type of decoration: Concave tongues/painted guilloche
Last Recorded Collection: C.N.R. storerooms at Banditaccia necropolis
Height: 8.5
Width: 16.5
MPD: 13.5
Clay: 5YR 6/8
Paint: Cream 10YR 7/4, red 7.5R 4/6, gold 7.5YR 6/6
Condition: Finished left corner of sima, broken through strigil bottoms
Concave strigil: yes
Height main field: 3.8
Decoration main field: Painted guilloche
Thickness plaque: 3.2
Painted decoration only: yes
Th. tile backer: 3
D soffit decoration: 13.5+
Soffit decoration type: 4-leaf stars between wavy lines
Concave: yes
Thickness tile backer: 3
Depth soffit decoration: 13.5+
Soffit decoration type: 4-leaf stars between wavy lines