Remarks: Central acroterion or columen plaque(?) of draped female. Hole at back, behind veil from right shoulder, probably for metal rod to attach to roof. New piece joined to lower left with part of drapery, finished vertical edge above projection to left (part of chariot(?) from rape scene(?)) or throne more likely. 10 meniskos holes all along top edges (Diam 0.8). Hollow, handmade with central vertical partition in torso, vent-hole below left armpit. Lumpy interior. Hair in sakkos and diadem, H 1.1. Wears chiton, himation with oblique overfold and veil. Seated with legs to right, head turned back to left. On back, incised lines indicating drapery folds, black painted over white slip.
Bibliography: Andrén 1940, p. 191, no. I:1, Pl. 72:239; Gens Budapest 1989, p. 101, no. 3.11; Stopponi 2003, p. 264, figs. 13-14
Publication record: Architectural terracottas from Etrusco-Italic Temples. Author: Andrén, A.. Place of publication: Lund/Leipzig. Publication Date: 1939-1940 Gens antiquissima Italiae. Antichità dall'Umbria a Budapest e Cracovia. Author: Roncalli, F. (ed.). Place of publication: Milano. Publication Date: 1989 I templi e l'architettura templare. Author: Stopponi, S.. Journal and volume number: Orvieto I: Antichità, ed. G.M. Della Fina. Place of publication: Perugia. Publication Date: 2003. Pages: 235-273
Type of decoration: Draped female
Last Recorded Collection: Antikensammlung
Mouldmade: no
Height: 38.8
Width: 29.5
MPD: 10.9
Clay: 7.5YR 7/6
Paint: White slip 10YR 8/3 over surface. Traces of purple-red on himation 10R 4/4. Traces of red on right chiton sleeve 10R 4/8. Traces of black and red on veil folds and sakkos 10R 4/6. Turquoise/blue on chariot or throne 5BG 6/1.