Main Site Gandhara ConnectionsVase Corpus (CVA Online)

1047, ATHENIAN, Paris, Cabinet des Medailles, Unknown, Oppermann Collection, 243

  • Vase Number: 1047
  • Fabric: ATHENIAN
  • Technique: BLACK-FIGURE
  • Date: -550 to -500
  • Last Recorded Collection: Paris, Cabinet des Medailles: 243
  • Previous Collections:
    • Unknown, Oppermann Collection: 76
  • Publication Record: Ancient World: 15 (1987), 62-63, FIGS.1-2 (A, B, DRAWING OF B)
    Archeologia Classica: 25-26 (1973-74), PL.75.2 (B)
    Bentz, M. and Eschbach, N. (eds.), Panathenaika, Symposion zu den Panathenäischen Preisamphoren, Rauischholzhausen 25.-29.11.1998 (Mainz, 2001): 191, NO.275 (NOT ILLUSTRATED)
    Bulletin de Correspondance Hellenique: 50 (1926), 373, FIG.23, NO.5 (DRAWING OF PART OF A)
    Bulletin van de Vereeniging tot Bevordering der Kennis van de Antieke Beschaving: 14 (1939), 11, FIG.9 (B)
    Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: PARIS, BIBLIOTHEQUE NATIONALE 2, 68-69, PLS.(474-475) 88.1-4, 89.1-2 View Whole CVA Plates
    Coulson, W.D.E. et al. (eds.), The Archaeology of Athens and Attica under the Democracy (Oxford, 1994): 154, FIG.4 (B)
    Daremberg, C. et Saglio, E., Dictionnaire des antiquités grecques et romaines, d'après les textes et les monuments (Paris, 1877-1919): I, 1079, FIG.1329 (DRAWING OF B)
    Ebertshäuser, H. and Waltz, M., Vasen - Bronzen - Terrakotten des klassischen Altertums (Munich, 1981): 92, FIG.106
    Gardiner, N., Athletics of the Ancient World (Oxford, 1930): 205 (DRAWING)
    Gherchanoc, F., Concours de beaute et beautes du corps en Grece ancienne (Bordeaux, 2016): 139, FIG.1 (COLOUR OF B)
    Hollinshead, M. Shaping Ceremony. Monumental Steps and Greek Architecture (Madison, 2015): 13-14, UNNUMBERED (B AND PARTS OF B)
    Kephalidou, E., Nikitis, Eikonographiki meleti tou archaiou ellinikou athlitismou (Thessaloniki, 1996): PL.11 BELOW (COLOUR OF B)
    Laxander, H., Individuum und Gemeinschaft im Fest, Untersuchungen zu attischen Darstellungen von Festgeschehen im 6. und frühen 5. Jahrhundert v. Chr. (Münster, 2000): PL.77.2 (B)
    Lissarrague, F. et al., La Cite des Images, Religion et Societe en Grece Antique (Lausanne, 1984): 107-108, FIG.155A-B (A, B)
    Lissarrague, F., Greek Vases, The Athenians and their Images (2001): 76-77, FIGS.62-63 (COLOUR OF A AND B)
    Maul-Mandelartz, E., Griechische Reiterdarstellungen in agonistischem Zusammenhang (Frankfurt, 1990): PL.41 (A, B)
    Metzler, D. (ed.), Mazzo di Fiori, Festschrift für Herbert Hoffmann (Ruhpolding and Mainz, 2010): 107, FIGS.4A-4B (A, B)
    Neils, J. et al., Goddess and Polis, The Panathenaic Festival in Ancient Athens (Princeton, 1992): 37, 56, FIGS.23, 36 (A, B)
    Schafer, A, Unterhaltung beim griechischen Symposium (Mainz, 1997): PL.46.3 (B)
    Shapiro, H.A., Art and Cult under the Tyrants in Athens (Mainz, 1989): PL.12C-D (A, B)
    Stansbury-O'Donnell, M.D., Vase Painting, Gender, and Social Identity in Archaic Athens (Cambridge, 2006): 18, FIG.7 (B)
    Thesaurus Cultus et Rituum Antiquorum: II, PL.73.130 (B)
    de Ridder, A., Catalogue des vases peints de la Bibliotheque Nationale (Paris, 1902): 151, FIG.20 (DRAWING OF A)
  • AVI Web:
  • AVI Record Number: 6092
  • LIMC ID: 50377
  • LIMC Web:
  • CAVI Collection: Paris, Cab. Méd. 243.
  • CAVI Lemma: BF Panathenaic amphora. From Camiros. Unattributed. Third quarter sixth. Ca. 530 (Neils).
  • CAVI Subject: A: the Panathenaic Athena, placed between two cock columns and approached by a small naked youth on each side (victors). Note the dinoi on top of the columns. B: an acrobat with shields (device: a whorl) standing on a horse with a rider; under the horse, a man with a pick axe; at left, a youth playing pipes; at the farther left, onlookers on stands (speaking){1}.
  • CAVI Inscriptions: B: to the right of the spectators from the top margin down: κάδος το̃ι κυβιστι τοι{2}.
  • CAVI Footnotes: {1} Shapiro thinks that B shows a Panathenaic agon of an unknown kind. {2} CVA reads the first word καλῶς, but the third letter is not a lambda. The photo shows it to be similar to a triangular alpha (S 2 on the chart in AttScr), but with the diagonal extending a bit further down. Is there no repainting? Kretschmer read καλῶς τῷ κυβιστῇ τοι, explaining that κυβιστής = κυβιστητής (see also LSJ). καδος was de Witte's reading. Shapiro reads: καλος το̃ι κυβιστε̅το̃ι, `Good for the tumbler', meaning I think καλῶς. The inscription appears to be issuing from the mouths of the spectators.
  • CAVI Comments: For the acrobat (κυβιστης) on B, see: Simon (1978), 68. N. Reed, `The Euandria Competition at the Panathenaia Reconsidered,' Ancient World 15 (1987) 59-64. Shapiro (1989), 33 tentatively accepts the term apobates. For kados see Scheibler, Sparkes–Talcott (1970), 7 and 201 n. 1, and Johnston (1979), 228, under 12F. For kados see Scheibler; also the cooking pot, Ceramicus and the BF amphora, Swiss Private.
  • CAVI Number: 6092
  • AVI Bibliography: BADB 1047 (much bibl.). — Photo. — Daremberg–Saglio (1877–1919), i, 1079, fig. 1329 (B, dr.). — Kretschmer (1894), 88. — De Ridder (1902), i, 152 (facs.), no. 243. — Beazley (1927), 69, n. 25, and 82, n. 48. — M. Lambrino, CVA Bibliothèque Nationale 2, France 10 (1931), III H e, pl. 88,1-4 (bibl.). — Bérard et al. (1984), 107-108, fig. 155,a-b (A, B). — Bérard et al. (1985), 161, fig. 8. — Scheibler (1987), 60-61, 108. — Shapiro (1989), 33, pl. 12,c-d (A, B; the pictures dark). — Neils (1992), 37, fig. 23 (A) and 56, fig. 36 (B), cf. [[Neils (1992a),]] p. 176. — Shapiro (1992), 56 and n. 26, fig. 36 (B).
  • CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)
  • Pleiades URI:
  • Coordinates: 36.336562,27.919521
  • Pleiades Coordinates: 36.336185,27.921195
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