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3735, ATHENIAN, Basel, Antikenmuseum und Sammlung Ludwig, Basel, private, BS481

  • Vase Number: 3735
  • Fabric: ATHENIAN
  • Technique: RED-FIGURE
  • Shape Name: HYDRIA
  • Date: -475 to -425
  • Last Recorded Collection: Basel, Antikenmuseum und Sammlung Ludwig: BS481
  • Previous Collections:
    • Basel, private
  • Publication Record: Antike Kunst: 15 (1972), PLS.39-41.1
    Antike Welt: 4 (2013) 21, FIG.1 (COLOUR OF PART OF SH)
    Archeologia Classica: 50 (1998) 352, FIG.9 (PART OF S)
    Boreas: 11 (1988), PL.10.3 (PART)
    Bulletin Antieke Beschaving: 64 (1989), 113, FIG.D (PART)
    Bundrick, S.D., Music and Image in Classical Athens (Cambridge, 2005): 125, FIG.77 (PART)
    Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum: BASEL, ANTIKENMUSEUM UND SAMMLUNG LUDWIG 3, 37-39, BEILAGE 6.2, PLS.(330,331) 18.1-4, 19.1-4 View Whole CVA Plates
    Dietrich, N., Figur ohne Raum? Bäume und Felsen in der attischen Vasenmalerei des 6. und 5. Jahrhunderts v. Chr., Image & Context 7 (Berlin, 2010): 500, FIG.426 (PART OF SH)
    Giudice, F. and Panvini, R. (eds.), Il greco, il barbaro e la ceramica attica, Immaginario del diverso, processi di scambio e autorappresentazione degli indigeni, Volume primo, Atti del Convegno Internazionale di studi, 14-19 maggio 2001, Catania, Caltanisetta, Gela, Camarina, Vittoria, Siracusa (Rome, 2010): 67, FIG.13 (PART OF S)
    Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae: VI, PLS.398-399, MOUSA, MOUSAI 10
    Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae: VII, PL.65, ORPHEUS 68 (PART)
    Lezzi-Hafter, Der Schuwalow-Maler; eine Kannenwerkstatt der Parthenonzeit (Mainz, 1976): PL.175D, E (PART)
    Mela, C. and Mori, F. (eds.), Alexandrie la divine II (Geneva, 2015): 613, FIG.111 (PART OF SH)
    Paquette, D., L'Instrument de musique dans la ceramique de la grece antique (Paris, 1984): 57, A49 (PART)
    Schefold, K. and Jung, F., Die Urkönige, Perseus, Bellerophon, Herakles und Theseus in der klassischen und hellenistischen Kunst (Munich, 1988): 85, FIG.98
    Stampolidis, N.C. et al. (eds.), Beyond. Death and Afterlife in Ancient Greece (Athens, 2014): 36, 171, FIGS.3, 84 (COLOUR OF PART OF SH, PARTS OF SH)
    Swaddling, J. and Perkins, P. (eds.), Etruscan by Definition, the Cultural, Regional and Personal Identity of the Etruscans, Papers in honour of Sybille Haynes, MBE (London, 2009): 56, FIG.10 (PART)
    Tsiaphaki, D., I Thraki stin attiki eikonographia tou 5ou aiona p. Ch., Prosengiseis stis scheseis Athinas kai Thrakis (Komotini, 1998): 339, FIG.17 (PART OF S)
    Vermeule, E., Aspects of Death in Early Greek Art and Poetry (Berkeley, 1979): 197, FIG.21 (PART OF SH)
    van der Meer, L.B., Interpretatio Etrusca, Greek Myths on Etruscan Mirrors (Amsterdam, 1995): 91, FIG.37 (PART OF S)
  • AVI Web:
  • AVI Record Number: 2000
  • LIMC ID: 9608
  • LIMC Web:
  • CAVI Collection: Basel, Antikenmuseum BS 481.
  • CAVI Lemma: RF hydria. Group of Polygnotos (Schmidt). Third quarter fifth. Ca. 440 (CVA).
  • CAVI Subject: Shoulder: head of Orpheus; bearded man; six muses. The man and a muse with her lyre are bending over the head{1}.
  • CAVI Inscriptions: Shoulder: over the head of the muse with the lyre, left-aligned horizontal stoich. two-liner: καλε | καλος. . . . . . . . . . Under the foot, Gr.: a line across and pi with small square in upper right-hand corner: ligature pi + omicron(?){2}.
  • CAVI Footnotes: {1} Schmidt in CVA suggests identification with Terpander and Kalliope. In AK Schmidt suggests that the man may be climbing down on ropes. {2} see a note by Johnston in AK.
  • CAVI Comments: The two-liner is awkwardly spaced: there is a wide gap after the first letter in each line. Mixed alphabet. The lambda could be either Attic or Ionic: see AttScr (1990), 148.
  • CAVI Number: 2000
  • AVI Bibliography: M. Schmidt (1972), 128ff., pls. 39-41,1. — Lezzi-Hafter (1976), 71 n. 229, pl. 175,d-e (details). — Johnston (1979), 113/18C 64 and 119/6D 20. — V. Slehoferova, CVA Basel 3, Switzerland 7 (1988), pls. 18,1-4 and 19,1-4, Beilage 6,2, p. 37 (facs.). — LIMC vi (1992), pls. 398-99, Mousa(ai) 100.
  • CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)
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