Inscriptions: Graffito: XANTHIPPE ANETHEKEN Named: EROS
Last Recorded Collection: Eleusis, Archaeological Museum: 624
Previous Collections:
Eleusis, Archaeological Museum: 1244
Eleusis, Archaeological Museum: 1804
Publication Record: Kaltsas, N. and Shapiro, A., Worshiping Women, Ritual and Reality in Classical Athens (Athens and New York, 2008): 145, NO.62 (COLOUR OF A) Lexicon Iconographicum Mythologiae Classicae: IV, PL.217, HADES 110 (A) Mitteilungen des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts, Athenische Abteilung: 21 (1896), PL.12 Oakley, J.H. and Palagia, O. (eds.), Athenian Potters and Painters, Volume II (Oxford, 2010): 281, FIG.1 (PART) Schefold, K., Die Göttersage in der klassischen und hellenistischen Kunst (Munich, 1981): 260, FIG.372 Wolf, W-P., Xenokles und die zänkischen Götter Eine ikonographische Neubewertung der Kleinmeisterschale des Xenokles im Londoner British Museum (2024): 30, FIG.6 (DRAWING)
CAVI Lemma: Frs. of RF skyphos. From Eleusis. Unattributed. Third quarter fifth. Ca. 430
(Beazley, Edwards).
CAVI Subject: A: Rape of Persephone: Hades abducting Kore in a chariot; at left, two women;
at right, Hermes and another figure; behind the horses, another female figure
(Demeter? Hartwig); above the horses' heads, Eros with a wreath and a torch. B:
not preserved unless the fr. of Hartwig's p. 379 belongs there.
CAVI Inscriptions: A: to Eros' left, at head- and shoulder-height, facing him: Ερος, retr. Below
the bottom margin, Gr.: left-aligned horizontal stoich. two-liner if the first
sign is disregarded (as Hartwig does who considers it a false start):
(.)ανθιπ[πη] | ανεθηκεν{1}. ^ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CAVI Footnotes: {1} Hartwig's dr.: before the alpha of the name the ill. shows the `carat',
but the text gives the reading: Ανθιππη ανεθηκε (without the final nu!).
CAVI Comments: The museum no. is given in Add.[2]. Neither Edwards nor Simon agree with my
original reading from Hartwig: the photo shows: (.)α(ν)θιππη̣ | ανεθηκεν. The
first letter is unclear in the ph.; it looks more like a reversed three-stroke
sigma than a xi. My own observation agreed with the dr. (see below) in that I
saw a sign ^. The first nu seems to lack the first stroke (= V), but that is
probably because that stroke does not go all the way through to the clay. The
dr. shows the first letter as a kind of carat: ^. The nu is shown complete. Can
we read: (Ξ)ανθιππη̣ | ανεθηκεν or [Χ]σ̣ανθιππη̣? In both pictures the alpha of
the anetheken is below the alpha of the name; this would support the reading
Ανθιππη̣, ignoring the first sign. This seems also LGPN's opinion. - The Dip.:
mixed alphabet with triangular rho and four-stroke sigma. The Gr.: Ionic
alphabet, unless the first sign is a sigma. K.-D. gives the dedicator as
CAVI Number: 3433
AVI Bibliography: Hartwig (1896a), 377-84, pl. 12 and p. 379 n. 1 (dr. of an unplaced fr.). —
ARV[2] (1963), 647, under no. 21 (mention). — Simon (1966), 77, fig. 1, has a
dr. — Walter (1971), 147-48, ill.s 130 and 131. — Bianchi (1976), fig. 10. —
Kaempf-Dimitriadou (1979), 35, fig. 5 (dr. after AM 21), 105/339. — Kanta
(1979), 137, fig. 73. — Schefold (1981), 260-61, ill. 372. — C.M. Edwards
(1986), 316 and n. 72 (bibl.), pl. 21, fig. 11 (ph. showing Gr. in large letters
in BG area below the scene). — Add.[2] (1989), 275. — LGPN ii (1994), s.v.
CAVI / AVI Data from Henry Immerwahr's Corpus of Attic Vase Inscriptions (CAVI), updated by Rudoph Wachter's Attic Vase Inscriptions (AVI)