4324, Chiusi, Pantanelli
- Record number: 4324
- Site: Chiusi
- Building or zone: Pantanelli
- Roof element: Revetment plaques, floral
- Remarks: Fragment of plaque with bead and reel above floral(?) frieze, roll. MPH bead & reel 1.7, D 2.9.
- Bibliography: Rastrelli 1992a, Pl. XV
- Publication record: Santuari suburbani e di campagna nell'agro Chiusino. Author: Rastrelli, A.. Journal and volume number: Atti Orbetello. Publication Date: 1992. Pages: 301-317
- Type of decoration: Bead & reel
- Last Recorded Collection: Museo Archeologico
- Mouldmade: yes
- Height: 8.4
- Width: 9.9
- Height main field: 4.2
- Thickness plaque: 1.9
- Thickness including relief: 2.3
Last updated 10/09/2012 15:07:00 by Nancy Winter. Created 09/07/2012 12:52:00 by Nancy Winter. Approved by Nancy Winter. Copyright © 2003-2025 Classical Art Research Centre, University of Oxford.
Link to this record using the address https://www.beazley.ox.ac.uk/record/72C79AAA-590B-4BD7-AF1F-0A35C5B51827