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1145, Capua

  • Record number: 1145
  • Site: Capua
  • Position: Eaves
  • Roof element: Antefixes, full figure
  • Comparanda: Rescigno 1998a, pp. 348-349, fig. 193, from Compulteria. London BM 1982 10-5 12
  • Remarks: Plaque (Th 2.4) with standing frontal female figure (H 26.8) in chiton with breasts indicated, holding necks of 2 flanking birds (geese? H left 16, right 15). Head of female projects above semicircular plaque with flat outer band ending with round eyes (Diam 1.3) at bottom. Rosette over left shoulder. Recessed fascia at bottom (H 1). Plaque back flat & smooth with inverted V ridge running up center, hollowed to either side & above. Curved cover tile
  • Bibliography: Serra 1934, pp. 5 & 13 bottom row, no. 3
  • Publication record: Il R. Museo Artistico Industriale di Roma. Author: Serra, L.. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1934
  • Type of decoration: Potnia theron with geese/rosette
  • Last Recorded Collection: Museo dei Conservatori
  • Mouldmade: yes
  • Height: 27
  • Width: 27
  • MPD: 5
  • Clay: 5YR 6/6
  • Paint: Probably originally had cream slip
  • Height head: 5.7
  • Height face: 4.7
  • Inner H cover tile: 9.9
  • Outer H cover tile: 12
  • Inner W cover tile: 12.5
  • Outer W cover tile: 16.5

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