Building or zone: Temple of Mater Matuta I - Campanian roof
Roof element: Acroteria, human statues
Remarks: Fragment of 2 lotus buds, previously interpreted at Zeus's thunderbolt from the Temple of Mater Matuta II. Larger has 3 cream petals with red-brown edges around central conical purple-red core with holes in end. At break small round scar, Diam 3 with 2 small holes. Smaller fragment of same type, MPH 7.8, MPW 5.6, MPD 3.5. Only 1 "leaf" and central part preserving 3 holes and 1 piece of lead in 4th.
Bibliography: Della Seta 1918, p. 276; Niew licht 1985, no. 94; Lulof 1996, p. 37, fig. xv
Publication record: Museo di Villa Giulia. Author: Della Seta, A.. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1918 Niew licht op een oude stad: Italiaanse en Nederlandse opgravingen in Satricum. Place of publication: Roma. Publication Date: 1985 The ridge-pole statues from the Late Archaic temple at Satricum. Author: Lulof, P.S.. Journal and volume number: Scrinium XI-Satricum V. Place of publication: Amsterdam. Publication Date: 1996
Type of decoration: Lotus buds
Last Recorded Collection: Museo Nazionale Etrusco di Villa Giulia