4257, Central Italy
- Record number: 4257
- Site: Central Italy
- Roof element: Antefixes, heads
- Remarks: Fragment of floral shell frame of antefix, preserving palmette emerging from acanthus, with deeply cut out edge.
- Associated elements: Belongs with TC 1254, TC 1255, TC 45, TC 46
- Type of decoration: Floral
- Last Recorded Collection: Antikensammlung
- Mouldmade: yes
- Height: 19
- Width: 18.2
- MPD: 4.8
- Clay: 7.5YR 7/4
- Paint: Red on palmette.
- Condition: 1 fragment
- Width floral element: 9.5 flower
- Width palmette: 11.4
Link to this record using the address https://www.beazley.ox.ac.uk/record/6E78766E-0164-4576-AC44-B370970290A7