Remarks: Female head antefix. H diadem 1.7, Diam earrings 1.7. 3 rosettes superimposed on encircling band and painted red-brown. Back flat, not hollowed, with scar of round strut at top, cover tile top at bottom.
Bibliography: Ciaghi 1986, p. 123, no. 342, fig. 153, p. 166; Ciaghi 1999, pp. 12-14, Pl. 10.1
Publication record: Le terrecotte architettoniche e figurate/Elementi fittili di copertura. Author: Ciaghi, S.. Journal and volume number: Gli Etruschi di Tarquinia, ed. M. Bonghi Jovino. Place of publication: Milano. Publication Date: 1986 Le terrecotte. Author: Ciaghi, S.. Journal and volume number: Tarchna. Scavi e ricerche a Tarquinia 2. Publication Date: 1999. Pages: 1-41
Type of decoration: Female head
Last Recorded Collection: Museum Excavation Storerooms